How Exosomes Can Revolutionize Your Healthcare Practice
Cellgenic has worked closely with physicians all around the world for over a decade, and in working shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the medical community, we’ve gotten a feel for what we feel their main grievances are when incorporating regenerative medicine into their practice. We’ve found that primarily, the largest hurdles have been the large upfront costs, the long procedure times, and the difficulty procuring patients.
For a long time, most of the history of the nascent field of regenerative medicine, physicians would have to spend multiple thousands of dollars training themselves to use the procedures required to treat patients. In order to use this training, they would need to buy large, heavy, and expensive medical processing equipment in order to actually process the cellular samples. And after that, they would have to go through the trouble of procuring the enzymes and medical supplies needed to perform the procedure itself.
Every step of the process was mired with difficulty, and all of this was before even the patient acquisition process, which has the potential to completely make or break a practice. This is to not even mention the procedure itself, which can take anywhere from three to five hours of a physician being on their feet, and a patient being subdued under local anesthesia. The final result is an uncomfortable and drawn out procedure that regenerative medicine physicians have been working for years to optimize.
Cellgenic Exosomes is the company’s flagship product, which stands ready to revolutionize the practice of regenerative medicine as we know it today. Exosomes are extracellular vesicles which float freely within the blood, very much like platelets. But that is where the similarities end, because exosomes have been recently discovered to do far more than previously thought. Current science has identified them as one of the cornerstones of intercellular communication, as the enzymes that they secrete are responsible for cell-signalling, including calling healthy cells to begin the process of repairing damaged tissue. Because they consist of proteins, they are able to be administered without a risk of rejection from the patient, and they’re able to immediately get to work within the body, utilizing their growth factors and anti-scarring proteins to target inflammation and damaged tissue within the body.
Utilizing a potent combination of growth factors and anti-scarring proteins, they target inflammation and damage within the cells and tissues of the body and begin repairing it. The administration of Cellgenic Exosomes is simple. Every order arrives cryogenically-preserved under dry ice, and from there physicians can store them in the freezer for over one year. To administer, they simply need to be thawed out and injected into the patient, without the need for expensive and bulky equipment. All in all, this new process should not take more than forty-five minutes, and has lower upfront costs than the previous standard of care for regenerative medicine practitioners.
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How Cellgenic MSCs Revolutionize Regenerative Medicine
Stem Cells are revolutionizing the field of regenerative medicine, due to their intelligence. Once administered into the patient, they are able to identify and target areas of disease and damage. Adimarket’s Mesenchymal Stem Cell Product excretes growth factors, cytokines, and proteins, which all play a key role in the regeneration of tissue. Their anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties mean that it is difficult for them to be rejected by the body. Additionally, they increase blood flow to the vital organs which need it the most.

Many proprietors of MSC products will claim that it is not necessarily important to have a high ratio of viable cells. They claim that it does not matter how many cells are ‘not viable’, or dead, so long as there is a high enough number of viable cells– however, current research has shown that this is not the case. These dead cells are detectable by the immune system, and it is believed that they can create an inflammatory response within the body at the treatment area, which would lower the effectiveness of the regenerative medicine treatments.
This bending of the science is harmful to our industry, which is why knowledgeable purveyors put one thing above all else– consistency. Our cellular concentrations are the same throughout each batch, and we make sure that there is a high ratio of viable cells. All of our samples are independently verified by a third party laboratory, and have been selected for their phenotypic and genotypic profile, characterized for optimum growth and stability. When the proper care is taken, Mesenchymal Stem Cell products have been identified as having the highest output of growth factors and stem cell factors among the current standards of care– as well as properties of angiogenesis, immunomodulation, and the potential for endogenous repair.
Cellgenic has been working for over a decade, constantly reinventing itself and reinforcing the products that we offer with the latest advancements in the field of regenerative medicine. We take every painstaking measure possible to ensure that the cellular samples that our customers use to treat their patients are second to none– this includes the consistent concentrations of our sample, which are the same throughout ensuring that every patient gets the same treatment. We offer the product in 10 million or 30 million live total nucleated cells, where other fabricators would have the same number of total cells. We ensure that every single product that we send out has been tested for low amounts of annexin, which is a cellular protein which serves as a marker for cell death.
All our Mesenchymal Stem Cell products come in 1cc vials cryogenically preserved– they are shipped overnight within the United States, conveniently delivered to your door in the morning. For use, the product is passively thawed between the palms of your hands– and ready to use when your patients are. MSC 10 contains 10 million live cells and is recommended for a single joint, or a small area. However, the MSC pure pro has 30 million live cells,and can be used for larger applications, or for up to three joints in the same patient at the same time.
If you are interested in finding out more about Cellgenic MSCs, you can send an eMail to
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Implications of Exosomes
As the newest field to regenerative medicine, it’s often exosomes therapy the least understood by those doctors newer to the field. While still not in use by many doctors, this is simply because it is new to the field. This is because many scientists are practically rabid to harnessthe benefits of this new treatment and apply them to target many of the conditions that modern medicine has allowed to slip through the cracks.
Extracellular Vesicles and Exosomes
The discovery of extracellular vesicles (EV), small bubbles composed of protein freely among cells, has been considered one of the greatest advancements in the field of medicine. They are broadly defined as something that exists outside of the cells of the human body, and they can be quite unique. Among these are exosomes, which has shown almost miraculous promise in treating inflammation, immunomodulation, cell-cell communication, and much more. Although it is certainly not a cure-all, it has been found to be good at what it does, which is almost a little bit of everything.This includes the communication and rejuvenation of all cells in the body, despite not actually being one itself.
Exosomes are created by growing a healthy stem cell culture and disposing of the cells themselves– this leaves behind the exosomes, millions of them, that were created in the process. Due to their microscopic size, what is left behind must be ultra-centrifuged, as it is the only way to concentrate them enough to use them on a patient. Despite all of their abilities, the makeup of exosomes is really quite simple, amino acids and RNA– this means that, aside from bearing immunomodulatory properties, it can also be applied to a patient without causing an immune system reaction. This is a worry that modern physicians must constantly think about when implanting foreign objects into patients, that is one of the great benefits of the use of exosome therapy.
An Overview on Exosome Therapy
Generally defined, exosome therapy is the use of exosomes in a clinical setting, a new step forward that is being happily taken by physicians worldwide. Exosome Therapy has very rapidly become one of the most popular fields of regenerative medicine treatment around the world. Painstaking research has managed to highlight the practical uses of exosomes, and how they can be used to treat conditions including lyme disease, hair loss, and arthritis. This is because, while stem cells are largely responsible for the rejuvenation of older cells, they might not be able to supply the information required for healing to take place– and this is where exosomes come in.
Consider exosomes the traffic conductors of regenerative medicine. They stimulate attention to damaged areas and work to control inflammation. In fact, many talented researchers believe that, by supporting the function of exosomes in the body, a better outcome could be obtained in patients. These scientific breakthroughs have fundamentally changed the healing process as we know it.
Exosome therapy is minimally invasive, and most commonly used in patients that present with orthopedic injuries, but this is not it’s only use. It shows great applications for anti-aging medicine, and the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases. Exosome treatments generally contain a combination of growth factors, messenger RNA, micro RNA, and cytokines. The resulting exosome treatment is used in conjunction with stem cell therapies to boost the healing process in patients. These exosome therapies can be administered directly into the affected area, but they can also be administered through IV drip for those that are looking to make use of the anti-aging properties of exosomes.
Exosome injections are administered like other cellular therapies– administered directly into the part of the body affected by disease. In each case, patient dosing varies on condition and treatment plan, which means that there is no exact treatment protocol for exosome therapy. However, this allows physicians to fully customize them to a patient’s needs.

What can Exosomes Treat?
As the field of regenerative medicine constantly grows, more and more treatments are discovered every month! However, researchers have been able to offer exosomes as an exciting alternative for a wide variety of illnesses, including in arthritis therapy– it is believed to play a large role in bone and cartilage remodeling.Exosome therapy currently shows promise in treating the following conditions:
Hair Loss: Exosomes can be used to regrow hair due to their growth factor content. When injected exosomes trigger healing and the natural regeneration of hair follicles.
Lyme Disease: Exosomes may be beneficial to patients who suffer from Lyme disease, which is a very complex disease that compromises the immune system. Because it results in an increase in inflammatory responses, incorporating exosomes into one’s treatment plan could help break the cycle of inflammatory response.
Arthritis: Arthritis is known by many as the inflammation of the joints as a result of an autoimmune deficiency. Although various types of treatment are available to alleviate symptoms, nothing has been confirmed to reverse the disease’s progression.
Anti-Aging: Generally, aging can be thought of as a slow, steady inflammation of the body. Researchers have found a direct correlation between the number and types of exosomes within the body and the effects of aging, which means that exosome therapy could be used to reduce swelling in patients, and can be used to treat conditions such as crow’s feet, puffy eyes, and other markers of aging.
Pain Management: On a similar vein, many pain symptoms are also the result of inflammation– this is why certain over-the-counter medications allow for the treating of light pain. But for severe, chronic conditions that cannot be treated with over the counter options, exosome therapy could be the key to increasing their quality of life. By targeting the pained area at the source of inflammation, exosome therapy can increase quality of movement and reduce pain in certain orthopedic conditions including stress injuries.
As physicians around the world continue to study and apply exosomes, Global Stem Cells Group recognizes the fervent need to get these products into doctor’s hands. Our Cellgenic line has been in operation for years, helping physicians treat these conditions and more with exosome therapy.
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GCell: The Newest All-In-One Solution in Regenerative Medicine
Are you a physician that is currently utilizing adipose tissue, but is growing tired of the time-consuming, arduous procedure? Are you having problems finding reagents that allow you to isolate stem cells? If so, GCell might be the solution for you.
What is GCell?
GCell is a revolutionary new machine that holds the potential to become the future of adipose stem cell processing. This is due to a variety of reasons, from the compactness of the unit, to its short processing time– it truly is a valuable implement in any regenerative medicine practitioner’s office. GCell employs a process of mechanical breakdown, which in addition to shortening the duration of the treatment, also serves to keep it within legal minimal-manipulation regulations.
How Does GCell Work?
Through a system of extremely small blades and filters, it is able to homogenize a sample of fat taken from anywhere in the body, making it into a slurry of growth factors, proteins, and the other components that make up the sample. The GCell then filters out the stromal vascular fraction cells, and uses a process called photoactivation to increase their vitality. Once the process is over, the end result is a final product that can be administered to patients within forty minutes from the sample’s harvesting. This is a far cry from the previous, muti-hour long treatments that physicians have grown accustomed to, and this shortened timespan is something that both doctors and their patients will greatly appreciate.

Why GCell?
Additionally, it is a single-session treatment. This means that patients that wish to receive a GCell treatment will only have to visit their clinic once, and will not have to undergo any followup treatments. This machine provides the convenience of its small size and lightweight build with the ability to accelerate the stem cell harvesting process– but that isn’t all. The GCell has been designed to be an entirely enclosed system– this is important, as it means that samples that are run through the GCell will remain in a sterile environment, which preserves the viability of samples and ensures positive outcomes for patients.
The GCell combines a grinder, a filter, and a photoactivation device, and is a turnkey solution that can take a physician from harvesting a fat sample to administering an injectable regenerative medicine therapy in less than an hour. GCell has been designed to be especially useful for clinics that are just beginning to implement regenerative medicine into their practice, but it’s all inclusive approach to stem cell isolation is what sets it a cut above the rest.

GCell’s Single Session Treatment Protocol
Unlike many other cellular therapies on the market, it is a single-session treatment, which means that there is no need for the patient to come back after his original treatment day has ended. This machine’s portability, small stature, and ability to accelerate the stem cell harvesting process makes it ideal for clinics that are just beginning to implement regenerative medicine into their practices, as it takes much of the rigor out of adipose-derived stem cell harvesting.
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PRP Injections guide that every physician should know about.
Complete Guide Of The PRP Injections
Is it harmful to patients to try the platelet-rich plasma in sports? Well, the majority of the doctors do not think so. Results prove that the majority of the cases provide positive results. But, a lot of research is still needed to prove whether the PRP therapy is suitable or not.
Now, you may think that PRP therapy is quite tough and complicated. But, let me tell you one thing, the PRP therapy is way simpler than you think. But, some famous physicians are hesitant about whether they should learn about PRP therapy or not. Even if they do opt for stem cell treatment, they get confused about what they should do and what they should avoid.
Injections Protocol Of The Platelet Rich Plasma
Injecting a PRP injection requires protocols, technique, and endorsement.
Protocol/Technique For Platelet-Rich Plasma
The majority of the procedures require a physician and some assistants (one or two). The assistants help in sustaining the sterile technique.
Considerations Before The PRP Therapy
When it comes to physical exams, an implication should be connected to accept the studies like Cat scan, MRI before treatment, or Ultrasound. Besides, a physician should hold meetings with patients. This way they can understand more about the patient and can get the approval of the patient.
Review Of The Contraindications Before the Surgery/Procedure
Preparation of the Graft
The first step is to position the patient. You need to make sure that your patient gets a cozy great.
After this, you should use needles and syringes. Make sure that you use the syringe and needles with proper guidelines and handling.
Once you have done this, your next task is to suck out the required amount of blood. The purpose of sucking put the blood is to use that blood for PRP therapy.
In case if you cannot draw out the blood on the first try, either due to the vein or the syringe, you should go for a new site.
The sterile technique is among the best techniques you can opt for. Through the sterile technique, you can easily transfer the venous blood in the centrifuge. One thing you need to keep in check is that the PRP should be taken through a separate device. The device should be specially made for autologous blood. In this method, a close system is preferred. This can help in avoiding the blood from exposing it to the open air.
Guidance Of PRP Therapy Through Imaging
When a physician is operating a PRP injection, imaging guidance must be considered. The image guidance can be used through ultrasound CT or fluoroscopy.
In case if you are thinking to go for the Ultrasound, you need to consider some things before you go for it.
- If it is a long procedure, experts suggest you inject the PRP injection close to the spine.
- You should opt for sterile probe covers. You should keep the probe clean before and after the PRP procedures.
- Once the procedure is complete, you should apply a bandage. This will protect you against the germs and will block them from entering.
What To Do After The Injection Is Injected?
Once you have injected the injection, I would recommend you to look after the patient. The reason for this is that numerous problems can occur like the Vaso-Vagal.
You should also give your patient advice so that they can handle the situation once they are on their own. If they have any queries, do not hesitate in answering them.
One thing that you should keep in mind is that after the PRP therapy, a patient might suffer from pain. Therefore, being a doctor, you must tell them each and everything about the pain prescriptions. Your patient must stay away from NSAIDs until they have completely recovered.
It is essential to record and document the entire PRP procedure. This should have a note with the following details.
- Date
- Diagnoses of both pre and post-therapy
- Name of the therapy
- Name of physician and assistant
- Anesthesia was used, yes or no
- If anesthesia was used, explain the type
- A short term indicator of the procedure
Protocols For The Injections Of The PRP Therapy
To check whether or not the patient is suffering from pain, they are analyzed in some two to six weeks.
The response of the patient should be documented or recorded. In case if you witness any complications, it should be immediately put in the ICMS tracking system. If it becomes necessary, you should go for another PRP injection. But, keep the choice of the final decision in the patient’s hand.
Safety Measures After The PRP Injection
No matter which therapy you are going for, one thing is for sure, precautions must be considered.
The Patient might suffer from infections like Klebsiella, Enterococcus, and Pseudomonas.
Risks Of The PRP Therapy For Patients
- Bleeding
- Infections
- Pain
- Lack Of Result
- Nerve Damage
Indications Of The PRP therapy to locate or find a diagnosis, one needs to look for a complete history. In major cases, physicians need studies and researches to find out the reason for the failure of the treatments. If we look at the chronic and subacute conditions, PRP treatment is an alternative treatment. In a span of six to twelve weeks, the healing gets slow until it becomes to a minimum speed. In case if the patient does not experience any enhancement and improvement in six weeks, the healing process has stopped.
Contradictions Of The PRP Therapy
- Platelet dysfunction syndrome
- Septicemia
- Hemodynamic instability
- Infections Might Occur
- Critical thrombocytopenia
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Good News For Physicians As Demand Is Growing To Provide Stem Cell Therapie
These days, the demand for stem cell treatments has increased rapidly. The majority of the people who are in favor of stem cell therapy are patients suffering from orthopedic and degenerative diseases. These problems cannot be treated by any traditional treatment. Tired of paying huge fees for surgeries and life-threatening procedures, patients are now looking for an alternate like stem cell therapies.
Global Stem Cells Group And Stem Cell Therapy
The GSCG (Global Stem Cells roup) is the best and leading researcher in stem cell therapies, training, and patient services. Besides, the GSCG has saved the lives of a lot of people internationally. Yet, there is a huge demand from the medical field to train physicians for proper, quick FDA procedures that can make stem cell therapy available in the United States.
A lot of people with certain conditions have started to travel abroad. The reason for doing this is to get the stem cell therapy with ease. The GSCG has been working for almost a decade now. The result of this effort is that there are a lot of stem cell treatment centers in the whole world.
The major focus of the Global stem cell groups has been to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a condition in which the patient will have trouble breathing. According to recent reports, there are someone and a half million people who are suffering from COPD in the US.
GSCG has held numerous surgeries for the adipose-derived stem cell treatments for COPD. The results were up to the mark. According to one surgery, a huge improvement was shown in the patients. This included the increase in the patient’s ability to do exercise and go for a six-minute walk.
The Adipose Stem Cell Therapy
Adipose stem cell therapy has been done on some 40 COPD patients. Every surgery has shown great and improved results. This paves the door for stem cells to become the leading or tough candidate.
Through the surgeries, GSCG has witnessed an increase in patient’s health who are suffering from COPD.
GSCG has used the adipose stem cells for people with heart failure. One thing you should note is that the procedure for this is changed than the COPD one. For the patients with heart failure, the stelm cells are injected into the periphery region. Here the healthy tissues will interact with the scars and will help in creating blood vessekls. This can also help in improving the amount of blood supply.
What Happens After The Adipose Stem Cell Therapy?
Well, the studies have shown that once the therapy is done, the patients can quickly move to their normal life. In fact, some patients have improved their exercise and endurance capacity after the surgery.
How To Get The Best Results?
To get the best results, we at the GSCG blend in numerous cell therapies. Besides, in a few months, we will successfully blend the adipose stem cells with the muscle-derived stem cells. We hope that this will provide us better results.
Situation In The US
But, if we look at the situation in the US, there are a lot of problems we need to deal with. But, do not worry, because stem cell therapies are always available at offshore clinics in countries like Mexico, the Philippines, and Panama. In case if you are looking for a solution for the debilitative condition but you cannot find one in the US, do not fret. You can go to numerous of our stem cell centers in countries nearby.
How Can Stem Cell Therapy Help In Numerous Conditions?
Stem Cell Therapy And Critical Limb Ischemia
Stem cell therapy can also help patients with critical limb ischemia. According to the recent surgeries, GSCG has found that stem cell treatment is quite effective and helpful in this area. But, how did it happen? Well, it started with the injecting of stem cells into the legs of the patient. Due to stem cell therapy, the majority of the patients avoided the amputation and no deaths were caused.
Stem Cell Therapy And Ischemic Tissue
Lack of blood flow in the ischemic tissues can be quite tough. But, do not worry, because stem cell therapy is here to help you out. The stem cell procedures can treat the condition by developing new blood cells (the medical term is angiogenesis). This can help in quicker healing.
Stem Cell Therapy And Leg Ulcer
Numerous cases also show that stem cell therapies can help in leg ulcers. One case that has stunned everyone is a case that was done at the Hospital Angeles. The patient was suffering from a non-healing leg ulcer that helped in the growth of cancer. After numerous unsuccessful tries, the surgeon only had one solution left and that was to amputate the leg.
To save the patient from amputation. We gained permission from IRB (Institutional Review Board) to use the stem cell therapy. We injected adipose stem cells into the wound. Although the surgeon was quite confused that whether the stem cell therapy would work or not. But, thanks to the untiring efforts of the surgeon and physicians, we gained success. Nearly eight months after the stem cell treatment, the patient’s wound had closed and she had gained blood flow in her leg.
Final Word
When it comes to stem cell therapy, physicians can get the chance to change and save lives. Besides, stem cell therapy is quite helpful and profitable for physicians and surgeons. One thing you should not forget is that regenerative medicine is a new way and it will not end here. Besides, a lot of patients are switching towards stem cell therapy because they know that in the next few years, the medical world will change.
Patients are always in search of professional providers, and the GSCG is the best and most professional in the field. We at the GSCG offer the most suitable stem cell and regenerative medicine programs. Besides, the world now has no natural or traditional therapy that can be compared to stem cell treatment.
Therefore, being a physician, you must opt the stem cell therapy. If you are interested, go for the stem cell course. Through a stem cell training course, you can learn and everything about stem cell therapy. Besides, the regenerative medicine training will make you a professional in the field.
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Adipose Stem Cell Therapies, What Makes Them So Special?
Why Is The Adipose Stem Cells Therapy So Famous?
The medical field is changing at a rapid pace. The major reason behind this is that physicians have now discovered a rich amount of stem cells in a patient’s fat tissues. This has changed everything the doctors thought they understood about stem cell therapy. Now, adipose stem cell therapy has become a new attraction for patients.
In the year 2001, a study done by physicians of the University of Pittsburgh found out that the human fat tissue contains a large number of mesenchymal stem cells. When the research was announced, it created a lot of realization in the medical field. From that point, people considered that the MSCs were only a bone marrow outcome.
How Are Adipose Tissues Better Than Bonemarrow Tissues?
Well, research shows that the adipose tissues are way better than the bone marrow tissues. The reason behind this is that the adipose fat can be extracted quickly and at a faster pace when compared to bone marrow. Besides, the amount of mesenchymal stem cell tissue is higher in adipose fat.
The adipose stem cell treatment can be done quickly in a single or same lab. But, if we take a look at the bone marrow procedure, physicians would have to develop it for days to make it ready to be injected into the patient.
Benefits Of The Adipose Stem Cell Therapy
Adipose stem cell therapy is helpful in numerous ways. The best thing about the adipose stem cell procedure is that it is quite safe. The fact that the adipose stem cells are extracted from the patient and are then injected back into the body assures that the danger of rejection has ended.
Adipose Stem Cell Therapy Helps In Preventing Aging
With time, your cells get affected by the sun, environmental toxins, and moisture loss due to natural causes. But, do not worry, because adipose stem cell therapy is there to help you out. The adipose stem cells can help you by healing the affected tissue. Adipose stem cell therapy can also assist in reducing or slowing the aging. The adipose stem cells contain anti-aging qualities. Through this, they can heal organs, like your skin.
Increasing Popularity of Adipose Stem Cell Therapy
Since the discovery of the adipose stem cell therapy, the demand has increased rapidly. The fact that the adipose stem cell procedure involves no surgery and patients can recover faster has attracted more and more patients at an international level. A lot of experts believe that adipose stem cell therapy can provide a natural appearance for patients when compared to traditional surgeries.
How Does The Adipose Stem Cell Therapy Work?
Ever heard of the SVF? Well, the SVF is a stromal vascular faction that contains adipose stem cells. The therapy works when the SVF is taken from the 50% of the aspirated fat and is joined with the other 50%. Through this procedure, physicians can transform the ASC-poor quality fat into the rich ASC fat. This can also help in decreasing the chance of postoperative atrophy of the fat.
Adipose Tissues For Regenerative Therapy
Although the adipose tissues are a major source of stem cells, what will happen if you do not have to take the stem cells from the tissue? Experts know that fat grafting without taking the stem cells contains regenerative properties. New and safe methods have been made for fat grafting. They have also found numerous regenerative effects of fat grafting on numerous issues.
According to recent researches, it is found that the adipose stem cell can prevent and even reverse the tissue damage done by radiation. Some studies show numerous fat grafting regenerative effects in places no one could have believed, like the degenerative joint disease and the autoimmune disease. Dissimilar to the bone marrow tissue, the adipose tissue is easy to take out. Fat grafting that is assisted by cells has a huge role. It helps the people by healing injuries.
Role Of Plastic Surgeons In Adipose Stem Cell Therapy
When it comes to adipose tissues, plastic surgeons are among the finest and most experienced surgeons. Due to the high-level expertise with the adipose tissue, professionals are now playing a massive part in developing the evolving regenerative applications.
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Stem Cells Or PRP? Who’s The Lesser Of The Evil
Stem Cells VS PRP, Which One is More Suitable
The whole orthopedic field is trying to figure out ways that help in saving more and more lives. At the moment, only two ways are attracting the eye: Stem cell therapy and PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy.
Now, a lot of experts believe that PRP therapy is quite safer and liable when compared with stem cell therapy. But, this does not mean that stem cell therapy falls behind. Some physicians in this field believe that stem cell therapy is the real future of regenerative medicine. But, it has not reached that level at the moment.
The thing that worries most physicians is that there are numerous problems stem cell therapy might cause. Dissimilar to PRP therapy, the stem cell is mostly man-made. Therefore, problems might arise. But along with the harmful effects of stem cell therapy, it can provide numerous helpful traits too.
A Quick Overview Of The Platelet-Rich Plasma and the Stem Cell Therapy
Platelet-rich plasma or PRP therapy plays a huge part in restoring the body’s existing healing mechanism. In case your body gets stuck in the healing process, PRP therapy can help it out.
If we look at stem cell therapy, it is mostly left out when it comes to healing. The reason why stem cells are still so famous is that it can provide solutions that can help in starting the healing process.
Background Of The Stem Cell Therapy
Before we get to the real topic, we should take a peek at the background of stem cell therapy.
Stem Cell Therapy For Orthopedic
The stem cells consist of the human body. Experts believe that stem cells are the fundamental part of the human body’s normal healing system. Stem cells can be easily converted into any cells your body requires. Due to this, the name of raw potential is given to them.
With time, when your body gets older, the amount of stem cells in the body decreases. This is the major reason why the healing process becomes slower when a person gets old. Stem cell therapy can help you out. The stem cell treatment can deal with the shortage of stem cells by injecting extra and healthy stem cells into the damaged parts of your body.
Stem cell therapy may look tough or confusing, but in reality, it is quite a simple procedure. The procedure only takes about 15 minutes. The majority of the patients report significant results in just two days.
Stem cell therapy can save a patient from undergoing any surgical procedure. The majority of the patients report a full recovery within just 28 days. 90% of the results in the US or major parts of Europe show little to no side effects.
Dissimilarities Between the Stem Cell Therapy and PRP Therapy
A lot of people get confused when it comes to PRP therapy and Stem cell therapy. People believe that both these therapies are the same thing. But, this is not true at all. The major dissimilarity between these two therapies is that the PRP therapy is removed from the body of the patient. After it is removed, it undergoes a scientific process. Once this is done, the result is then injected back into the body.
Now coming to stem cell therapy. In stem cell therapy, the cells are taken from numerous places within the body. Once taken out, the stem cells are turned into specialized cells. You may think that preparing the cells might be a confusing and tough procedure. But this is not true. The whole process is done in a safe and sophisticated lab. It takes weeks to grow the stem cells.
Apart from all this, adult stem cells might come in handy as well. But, this is highly rare and experts are trying to recognize the cells in the adult human body tissue.
So, What Is Wrong With The Stem Cell Therapy?
The biggest problem the stem cell therapy possesses is that it can cause big problems if not handled carefully. The goal is not only to save lives but to give the patients a new start. Due to this, all the pros and cons of stem cell therapy should be considered. Here are some of the side effects of stem cell therapy.
Stem Cell Can Cause Viruses
We all know that stem cells are foreign bodies. In case the stem cells contain microscopic agents (dangerous viruses in lay man’s terms), things can get messy. Patients who have a weak immune system are the major target of these viruses.
Stem Cell Therapy Can Cause Uncontrolled Growth
I said earlier that the whole procedure is done in labs that are looked after by professionals. But, there is a chance that the cells might misfunction and continue uncontrolled growth after the cells are injected into the patient.
That being said, here are some diseases and conditions that can be treated by stem cell therapy.
Stem Cell Therapy Treats Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis is caused the autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease is a condition in which your immune system starts to attack the muscles, joints, and organs. People suffering from the autoimmune disease might suffer from fatigue, warm and swollen joints, and severe pain. So, what role can stem cell therapy play here? The stem cell treatment can provide an alternative that will help in healing and provide anti-inflammatory effects.
Stem Cell Therapy Can Cause Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is an inflammation in the joints. This condition is caused when the cartilage deteriorates. Due to this, the bones begin to rub against each other. Osteoarthritis can cause stiffness, pain, and reduce the range of motion in one’s joints. At the moment, there is no actual cure for this deadly problem. What stem cell therapy can do is that it can reduce the pain through medications, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.
Stem Cell Therapy Helps In Shoulder Repair
Shoulder injuries are tougher than you think. But, do not worry, because stem cell therapy is there to help you out. Stem cell therapy can help you be renewing the damaged joints.
Stem Cell Therapy For Joint Repair
Arthritis can cause elbow and hand problems. A wrist and elbow joint tissue including ligamentous injuries and tendon problems might not be treated by stem cell therapy. The physician must check the condition of each patient. This way they can understand whether stem cell therapy is suitable for a certain patient or not.
Stem Cell Therapy for Knee
Knee arthritis is another joint disease that has affected the lives of hundreds of people. A lot of people and even some physicians believe that the major solution to this problem is to go for steroid injections or surgery, Yet, these people are going in a completely wrong direction. Patients can easily benefit from stem cell therapy. But, before the physician goes for this option, the condition of each patient will be analyzed. Once that is done, the doctor will decide whether the stem cell therapy should have opted or not.
Stem Cell Therapy for Hip
Hip arthritis is quite similar to knee arthritis. In some cases, patients try to delay the hip surgery and opt for steroid injections and other methods. This can be dangerous because if you take these injections for a longer period, the tissues near your hips can get damaged. The fact that the fractured hips cannot be treated by stem cell therapy, surgery is the only option left.
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Why Physicians Think Platelet-Rich Plasma For Breast Augmentation Is Better
Does Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy Work For Breast Augmentation
“Seeing no hips and boobs can be a happy moment at first. But, when you get them, it starts to feel sloppy. Then, when you adjust and start to like them, they start doopling”.
Similar to men, women also feel that the size and shape of their breasts are associated with their femininity. Yet, these are not muscles. Therefore, exercise will not put much effect and will not help in augmenting the size of the breasts.
Fortunately, there are a lot of procedures that can rescue you. Today, we are going to look at Platelet-rich Plasma therapy for the augmentation of breasts.
PRP Therapy For Breast Augmentation
The PRP therapy is quite helpful when it comes to breast augmentation and all. But, there are a lot of misconceptions about stem cell therapy in this field.
Misconceptions About PRP Therapy And Breasts
If we look at the current situation, you cannot deny the fact that the traditional breast augmentation procedures like breast implant surgery have an upper hand. Yet, the public does talk about the PRP treatment for the augmentation of breasts. Often, patients also have a wrong perception of stem cell therapy.
Now, the majority of the patients believe that in PRP therapy, a few injections are injected. But, this is not true. PRP therapy is used for healing, not for augmenting.
How Does The PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Work
The PRP therapy works in two ways. Here is a detailed explanation of both methods.
Here are two ways PRP is used for breast procedures.
1- Fat Transfer & Platelet Rich Plasma For Breast Lift
Fat transfer is a simple process in which unwanted body fat is taken and processed. Once it is processed, it is then injected into the upper part of the breasts and in the cleavage area. This is considered an immediate enhancement, and because it is immediate, the sudden expansion might be problematic.
The reason why I say this is that the expansion can cause numerous blood vessels to get blocked. This can cause some of the breasts parts and the nipples to lose their sensitivity. Therefore, the best solution to avoid this problem is to supply enough amount of collagen and growth factors.
Experts believe that you can transfer the fat transfer procedure with Platelet-Rich plasma. The combination consists of PRP, fat, and tissues. The PRP is derived from the patient’s blood. Once everything is combined, the end product is injected into the PRP injection.
Once the end-result is injected into the breasts, the result is not just the change in size. But, the skin texture and the shape of the breasts also changes. One more thing, you do not have to worry about losing sensitivity. Some people also call this whole procedure the Platelet-Rich Plasma Facelift. The results last from nine to eighteen months.
This magnificent procedure has given confidence to hundreds of women out there who wished to come out of their unnatural shaping and the aging of their breasts. Although PRP therapy works for women with all kinds of breast sizes, some women might not be eligible for it. These are:
- Excessive Sagging
- Extreme Loss Of Volume
- Women Who Have Undergone Breast Implants before.
2- Breast Rejevunation Only Through Platelet Rich Plasma
The second procedure only involves the PRP. This procedure is for women who although are happy with their breast sizes, but they want to rejuvenate the skin to get a younger look. Not only this, but they also crave to restore the fullness of healthy breasts and regain the sensitivity where it has diminished.
The Breast rejuvenation procedure is quite common and is the same as any other Platelet-rich plasma procedure. The procedure starts when 20 milliliters of the blood is drawn out from the patient. The blood is then spun in a tabletop centrifuge and is finally injected into the necessary areas.
A PRP injection of this sort not only helps in enhancing your looks. But it can also produce new tissues in the area. Due to this, the patient can witness better cleavage and fullness.
Therefore, if any of your pretty, intelligent, and man-loving female patients require help in augmentation, you can recommend them the two Platelet-rich plasma therapy procedures for the breasts.
So if any of your beautiful, intelligent, and man-loving female patients need a little help in augmentation, you can confidently recommend these two Platelet-Rich Plasma procedures for the breasts. If you do not know much about the PRP or stem cell therapy, how about you go for stem cell training.
Final Word
The majority of the people in the medical profession believe that if someone wants to enlarge their breasts, they should stick to the gold standard. This means that they should go for the Breast implants that are performed by a professional plastic surgeon.
Just like orange is the new black, Natural is the new gold. Besides, in traditional surgery, the surgeons will have to cut up the breasts. This can result in a lot of scars that may take time to heal.
If you want to learn more about Stem cell therapy, go for the Stem cell course. This way, you can become an expert in this field.
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Best Options For Physicians To Treat Sports Injuries Using Stem Cells Therapy
How To Treat Sports Injuries By Using Stem Cells Therapy
These days, physicians are dealing with sports injuries daily. Although these injuries might not be life-threatening, they can cause a lot of problems for the patient. A sports injury might also take months to heal. Getting back on the feet can take a lot of time, effort, and money. This can be a frustrating procedure for the patients who crave to get back to the playing field.
In recent times, a massive achievement has been done in the field of stem cells. A huge number of physicians have opted for stem cell treatment for sports injuries. This piece of writing aims to notify the benefits and risks that are attached to using stem cell therapy. This will also make up your mind that why doing a stem cell therapy training course is essential.
A Look At The Most Common Sports Injuries
Physicians are treating various sports injuries daily. Here are some of the common sports injuries doctors are dealing with.
1- Physicians Have To Deal With Ankle Sprain
An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments in the ankle get stretched. Due to this, they get torn. Although ankle sprains are common among athletes, it is essential to get treatment. If they are left untreated, the ankle might become weak. This makes it vulnerable to further damage. Due to this, you can suffer from long term problems like ankle pain, ongoing instability, and arthritis.
2- Athletes Suffer From Groin Pull
Also known as the groin strain, groin pull can be caused when you overstretch the muscles. This can only happen if you move in directions that are not normal for your muscles. This can leave your muscles torn and damaged. The result is that you will suffer from tenderness and bruising in the groin and the inner thigh area. Again this injury is common among athletes.
3- Hamstring Strain Are Common Among Athletes
A hamstring strain can occur when your three muscles in the back of the thigh get overstretched. This can happen due to the movements like hurdling and kicking the leg out. The fact that these three muscles are tight and susceptible to sprains explains why it takes more than six to twelve months for them to heal.
4- Shin Splints Are Tough To Deal With
Shin splints are an inflammation of your muscles in the lower part of your leg. This happens when your legs are stressed and are overworked. This injury is also found in athletes.
5- ACL Tear: Knee Injury
An ACL knee injury occurs when the ligament that holds the leg bone to the knee is torn. This injury can be caused by sudden stops or changes in a new direction that can tear the ACL. This can make a dreaded pop sound. Immediately the knee will start to swell and feel unstable. You will also have to bear the weight which can be tough. This injury is most common among athletes who engage in sports like downhill skiing, basketball, and soccer.
6- Knee injury: Patellofemoral Syndrome
Patellofemoral Syndrome is caused when repetitive movements of the kneecap are made against the thigh bone. This can damage your tissues. This pain is common in young adults. Besides, it can cause numerous problems like weakness in the buttock muscles, thighs, tight hamstrings. Alignment problems through the feet, and short ligaments around the kneecap.
7- Athletes Can Suffer From Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow is another common injury athletes have to face. Although the name includes tennis, this injury is not only for tennis players. Athletes who play golf can also suffer from this injury. This injury is caused when the ligaments in the forearms become inflamed and strained. This makes it tough to make wrist or hand motions.
Traditional Treatment Options and Management Strategies To Handle Sports Injuries
Treatment of mild sports injuries like strains and sprains is easy and can be done at home. A piece of advice that can be given by the doctor is to take a rest and apply a certain amount of ice to stop and reduce the swelling. This way you can also dress the injury with various compression bandages. This can assist in healing.
A moderate severity injury can be treated through immobilization strategies. These strategies include the use of crutches and a cast brace that can assist your ankle to heal in the first few weeks of the injury.
Injuries like knee injuries are treated through surgery or rehabilitation programs. In this treatment, ligaments and muscles are replaced and restored. No matter how severe the sports injury is, the healing process can take up to more than several months. An injury can leave the ligaments and muscles in a weak state and vulnerable to future injuries.
Can the Stem Cell Therapy Be An Option For The Treatment Of Sports Injuries?
Treating sports injuries through stem cells has become popular. The major reason behind this is the ability of stem cells to grow blood vessels that can help in facilitating faster and can help in better healing. They can also help in decreasing inflammation and releasing proteins that help in slowing down the degeneration of tissues and reduce the pain. Stem cell therapy is working tremendously to heal the damages done to tendons, muscles, ligaments, and cartilage. Therefore, it is essential to go for stem cell training.
Dr. Bill Johnson, MD of innovations Medical believes that stem cell therapy is a great alternative to painful surgeries and long recovery procedures. He states that:
“Patients who undergo stem cell therapy for their sports injury report a reduction in their painful symptoms and increase range of motion and increased mobility. Stem cell therapy helps to quickly reduce joint inflammation, and many patients see improvements in 1 to 2 days. Anti-inflammatory results of the procedure can last for 2 to 3 months and many patients see a gradual improvement in their condition over time.”
Even celebrity athletes like Peyton Manning and Ryan Tannehill have undergone stem cell treatment. During the treatment, stem cells are directly placed into your joints through injections. This aids in quicker healing and helps promote the growth of cells that are needed to restore the patient’s strength in ligaments and muscles.
Yet, using stem cell therapy to treat sports injuries is a controversial subject. Complete research has not been done and experts have not concluded whether stem cell therapy is the best solution or not. Critics believe that the stem cell treatment is no better than a placebo and no evidence is available to show whether the stem cell therapy is safe or not. Side effects can include swelling and pain. If stem cells are manipulated in any way, a person might be suffering from tumors.
Yet, it is essential for physicians to go for the stem cell course, because it has benefits in various other fields as well.
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