Best Options For Physicians To Treat Sports Injuries Using Stem Cells Therapy

How To Treat Sports Injuries By Using Stem Cells Therapy

These days, physicians are dealing with sports injuries daily. Although these injuries might not be life-threatening, they can cause a lot of problems for the patient. A sports injury might also take months to heal. Getting back on the feet can take a lot of time, effort, and money. This can be a frustrating procedure for the patients who crave to get back to the playing field. 

In recent times, a massive achievement has been done in the field of stem cells. A huge number of physicians have opted for stem cell treatment for sports injuries. This piece of writing aims to notify the benefits and risks that are attached to using stem cell therapy. This will also make up your mind that why doing a stem cell therapy training course is essential. 

A Look At The Most Common Sports Injuries

Physicians are treating various sports injuries daily. Here are some of the common sports injuries doctors are dealing with. 

1- Physicians Have To Deal With Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments in the ankle get stretched. Due to this, they get torn. Although ankle sprains are common among athletes, it is essential to get treatment. If they are left untreated, the ankle might become weak. This makes it vulnerable to further damage. Due to this, you can suffer from long term problems like ankle pain, ongoing instability, and arthritis. 

2- Athletes Suffer From Groin Pull

Also known as the groin strain, groin pull can be caused when you overstretch the muscles. This can only happen if you move in directions that are not normal for your muscles. This can leave your muscles torn and damaged. The result is that you will suffer from tenderness and bruising in the groin and the inner thigh area. Again this injury is common among athletes. 

3- Hamstring Strain Are Common Among Athletes

A hamstring strain can occur when your three muscles in the back of the thigh get overstretched. This can happen due to the movements like hurdling and kicking the leg out. The fact that these three muscles are tight and susceptible to sprains explains why it takes more than six to twelve months for them to heal.

4- Shin Splints Are Tough To Deal With 

Shin splints are an inflammation of your muscles in the lower part of your leg. This happens when your legs are stressed and are overworked. This injury is also found in athletes. 

5- ACL Tear: Knee Injury

An ACL knee injury occurs when the ligament that holds the leg bone to the knee is torn. This injury can be caused by sudden stops or changes in a new direction that can tear the ACL. This can make a dreaded pop sound. Immediately the knee will start to swell and feel unstable. You will also have to bear the weight which can be tough. This injury is most common among athletes who engage in sports like downhill skiing, basketball, and soccer. 

6- Knee injury: Patellofemoral Syndrome 

Patellofemoral Syndrome is caused when repetitive movements of the kneecap are made against the thigh bone. This can damage your tissues. This pain is common in young adults. Besides, it can cause numerous problems like weakness in the buttock muscles, thighs, tight hamstrings. Alignment problems through the feet, and short ligaments around the kneecap. 

7- Athletes Can Suffer From Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is another common injury athletes have to face. Although the name includes tennis, this injury is not only for tennis players. Athletes who play golf can also suffer from this injury. This injury is caused when the ligaments in the forearms become inflamed and strained. This makes it tough to make wrist or hand motions. 

Traditional Treatment Options and Management Strategies To Handle Sports Injuries

Treatment of mild sports injuries like strains and sprains is easy and can be done at home. A piece of advice that can be given by the doctor is to take a rest and apply a certain amount of ice to stop and reduce the swelling. This way you can also dress the injury with various compression bandages. This can assist in healing. 

A moderate severity injury can be treated through immobilization strategies. These strategies include the use of crutches and a cast brace that can assist your ankle to heal in the first few weeks of the injury. 

Injuries like knee injuries are treated through surgery or rehabilitation programs. In this treatment, ligaments and muscles are replaced and restored. No matter how severe the sports injury is, the healing process can take up to more than several months. An injury can leave the ligaments and muscles in a weak state and vulnerable to future injuries. 

Can the Stem Cell Therapy Be An Option For The Treatment Of Sports Injuries?

Treating sports injuries through stem cells has become popular. The major reason behind this is the ability of stem cells to grow blood vessels that can help in facilitating faster and can help in better healing. They can also help in decreasing inflammation and releasing proteins that help in slowing down the degeneration of tissues and reduce the pain. Stem cell therapy is working tremendously to heal the damages done to tendons, muscles, ligaments, and cartilage. Therefore, it is essential to go for stem cell training. 

Dr. Bill Johnson, MD of innovations Medical believes that stem cell therapy is a great alternative to painful surgeries and long recovery procedures. He states that: 

“Patients who undergo stem cell therapy for their sports injury report a reduction in their painful symptoms and increase range of motion and increased mobility. Stem cell therapy helps to quickly reduce joint inflammation, and many patients see improvements in 1 to 2 days. Anti-inflammatory results of the procedure can last for 2 to 3 months and many patients see a gradual improvement in their condition over time.”

Even celebrity athletes like Peyton Manning and Ryan Tannehill have undergone stem cell treatment. During the treatment, stem cells are directly placed into your joints through injections. This aids in quicker healing and helps promote the growth of cells that are needed to restore the patient’s strength in ligaments and muscles.

Yet, using stem cell therapy to treat sports injuries is a controversial subject. Complete research has not been done and experts have not concluded whether stem cell therapy is the best solution or not. Critics believe that the stem cell treatment is no better than a placebo and no evidence is available to show whether the stem cell therapy is safe or not. Side effects can include swelling and pain. If stem cells are manipulated in any way, a person might be suffering from tumors. 

Yet, it is essential for physicians to go for the stem cell course, because it has benefits in various other fields as well.