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A customer was complaining the other day that his colleague was doing more surgeries than he was. He was super frustrated because he tells me that he is more qualified and that he has more skills besides that he has more experience and time in the market ………. and to top it off it has better prices than the colleague
So why does the “other surgeon” do better?
The answer is simple and complex at the same time. The simple thing is that the other has positioned himself as the “best surgeon” in his area. It is a matter of user perception. He “SEES” different and that makes him more attractive to prospective patients. As a consequence you can charge more and as a result of charging more you have more budget to invest in strategies that help you stand out.
For example, you can afford a stellar staff, and a structured Content Marketing strategy and you can offer world-class patient service, and have more resources to spread your word on social media to a larger audience and therefore prospective patients. they think it’s the best.
The trickiest part of answering the question is: how have you done it in an extremely competitive market?
How competitive is the market?
Before we get into the how, here are the statistics in the United States as m to give you an idea of how competitive it has become and how many options the cosmetic patient has:
- 7,882 plastic surgeons in the US (USNews.com/health)
- 7,580 members of the ASPS (Plastic and Reconstruction Surgeons)
- 3,600 members of ASAPS (Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons)
- 4,700 members of the AAFPRS (Plastic and Facial Reconstruction Surgeons)
- 6,000 AACS members (auxiliary specialties)
- 16,000 dermatologists (10-20% offering cosmetic services)
- 12,100 Medispas.
** Wikipedia says 60,000 doctors are offering cosmetic services
The bottom line is that it’s time to differentiate yourself or die. That’s actually the title of a good book written by eJack Trout, who says that the only way to survive in our area of expertise is to be different than your competitors.
That is where your success and your profitability lie. So the other question I get is: how do I differ from my competitors when we all offer similar procedures?
Three basic strategies are:
- Communicate your skills and talents better than others.
Your prospective patients want and need to know that you are a top-notch professional and will have peace of mind when they get a result they are happy with. For example, if you are an expert in a certain procedure and your patients have had extraordinary results, highlight that in your materials. Here’s a secret: As long as your competitors market themselves as generalists, patients want specialists. By promoting one of your skills, you will stand out. Never despise the power of the Niche
- Develop better relationships with your patients.
Your patients won’t remember what you told them.
Your patients won’t remember what you showed them.
Your patients will remember how you made them feel.
- Promote yourself strategically.
Your prospective patients will do a Google search using your name to find out who you are, your values, your job, and what others are saying about you. What will they learn from you?
Success in the world of cosmetic rejuvenation is linked to your reputation and what others are saying about you, so monitor it closely. You will also want to control what is said about you