The fastest way to get more patients
Most of the surgeons I’ve talked to have been super busy since they reopened, and that’s fantastic.
The increase in patients has been unexpected and strong.
I suppose it is because a large group of patients are fed up with the confinement
The effect of the Botox wore off and their fillers disappeared.
They gained weight in quarantine.
They are tired of stagnation and want to live again.
Therefore, the demand has been great and surgeons are excited to get back in the operating room and do what they do.
Actually, many surgeons tell me that after being locked up for months, they really missed going to the office, having a schedule, and working with patients and staff.
So there are positive developments in the midst of all this madness
But there is the detail (as cantinflas said)
We don’t know what will happen next.
If we have learned anything in this period, it is that life can change quickly and nothing is certain.
We are also learning that we need to be better prepared for life’s surprises.
That includes saving more for a cushion against the storms and rethinking your practice plan to attract, convert, and retain cash-paying patients.
Let’s read the play of these patients well.
Although things are going well at the moment, life will return to normal and advertising costs will increase for new prospects and poor quality leads will continue to waste their time.
Conversion rates will continue to decline due to relentless competition. And you will experience more and more patients rushing to your competitors who discount their prices.
To combat these problems, you need many potential patients every day.
But HOW do I achieve that?
Well, redesign your website and find an SEO company that will look for your rankings, (increasingly difficult task)
Or, pay thousands of dollars per month to Google AdWords, where leads are often weak and waste your and your staff’s time
Or maybe you spend a lot of time creating content for social media, but they can’t measure the results and you just pray that your efforts bring in new patients.
Ok then what? Before spending any more time and money attracting new patients to your practice, first consider who is most likely to become a patient and where you find them.
Here are 3 effective strategies to quickly obtain new patients who pay in cash, without spending so much money
1- Increase the number of times a patient visits you
2- Increase the amount of money they spend on each visit.
3- Increase the overall value of each patient by taking advantage of their referrals, reviews , before / after photos, and their social media platforms to spread the word about you and your practice.
Pure common sense you have patients with infinite needs like wrinkles, sagging skin, thin lips, sun damage and that list of needs grows as the relentless aging process continues.
But HOW do you make that happen?
Use these strategies to immediately see an increase in patients, procedures, and admissions:
1-Custom packages
Don’t just sell packages. Promote “Exclusive personalized packages” for each age group.
Packages include a combination of injectables, fillers, lasers, and skincare for a special combined price.
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Websites that convert inquiries – Medical Marketing
Do you want a website that converts quotes?
Have you ever wondered which cosmetic clinic sites convert the best and what are they doing now?
Many people immediately name Amazon as the top converting site based on the variety and volume of products you ship. It is true but they are selling products and you are selling Medical services, so you must take some of their strategies and adjust them. Here is what you can do to improve your conversion rates.
Conversion Strategy # 1: Make Your Site Incredibly Easy and Simple to Search and Navigate
Your site should be Easy to navigate for prospective patients, it is vital that they can get directly to the place on your page where the information about the procedure they are interested in is without many clicks. Be sure to include patient testimonials and ratings for that procedure, lots of before and after photos of that particular procedure, and a button for a call to action (where you can be contacted immediately).
Conversion Strategy # 2: Fix Your 404 Pages Down
Missing pages and broken links send your prospective patients directly to your competitor’s website. The Internet has created an interaction for your visitors to get immediate information from you or they will go elsewhere
This problem is more common than you imagine … your practice changes and you hire someone new to reconfigure your page, they move outdated articles, you delete old publications and the links are lost. When you hire a lot of people to work on the site simultaneously, several webmasters will have “many cooks in the kitchen” and the result is links that lead to NOTHING. Increasing your bounce rates and getting penalized by Google
It’s important that your IT staff is constantly auditing for broken links and missing pages. Then redirect to at least your home page or add your menu of services so the prospective patient can return to the procedure they were interested in.
Better yet, add a comment box so your visitor can ask you questions and interact with you.
Another important tip is not to reload the pages with elements that affect the loading speed.
I recommend that you use simple WordPress, so that the page looks clean and loads very fast, preventing the prospect from retiring or getting frustrated by not being able to navigate with the necessary speed. There are free tools to test the loading speed of your site.
Using you will find very cheap providers that can correct these issues that, although they seem simple, can make the difference between a prospect that converts and one that withdraws with your competition.
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Global Stem Cells Group to Open New Facility in Portugal
The Stem Cell Center Network is an international network of regenerative medicine practitioners. The new Portuguese center will be located in the clinic of Dr. Hugo Madeiras, a highly-accredited Physician who will preside over the facility as Global Stem Cells Group’s chief representative in Portugal
Miami, FL (PRUnderground) July 10th, 2020
The Stem Cell Center Network ( a Division of Global Stem Cells Group ) an international network of regenerative medicine practitioners . Dedicated to promoting the research and development of the field of regenerative medicine, and strives to bring patients cutting-edge treatments that make use of the ever-growing list of benefits that regenerative medicine carry. This week, in a part of their effort to expand their foothold in medical communities around the world, the Stem Cell Center Network has announced the opening of a new training facility in Lisbon, Portugal.
Over the years, the Stem Cell Center Network has sought out to aggressively expand and roll out new membership opportunities, programs, events, and more– an effort that has been redoubled in the last five years. As a result, we have added members that practice regenerative medicine under our banner in over twenty five countries spread across five continents.
The new Portuguese center will be located in the clinic of Dr. Hugo Madeiras, a highly-accredited physician and scientist who will preside over the facility as the Global Stem Cells Group chief representative in Portugal. As the CEO and founder of the Clinic of Advanced Implantology, he focuses exclusively on implantology, esthetics, and digital workflows, and collaborates with over twenty doctors and seventy resources in total. He is also the clinical collaborator for the Straumann Group, a faculty which includes product testing, lecturing, and the creation and delivery of educational content.
Dr. Madeiras graduated from the Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz in Medicine in 2007, and with a Master in Oral Rehabilitation from CESPU in 2009. With his over ten year of experience in the field, he acts as a speaker at several national and international congresses that go over developments and new treatment protocols in the field of dentistry.
“This new center will help in bringing regenerative medicine to the people of Lisbon. It will treat patients with a wide variety of different diseases, but with a special emphasis on Aesthetic Medicine,” Said Benito Novas CEO of the Global Stem Cells Group about the new Stem Cell Center Network partnership, “This new facility will be at the top of the line, a place where Portuguese doctors can come to learn about regenerative medicine protocols, and the advancements that have been made in the field. I am incredibly excited to be working in partnership with Global Stem Cells Group , and look forward to many years as a program leader here in Portugal,”
Stem Cell Center Network plans for the clinic to open in September 2020– and with that date looming closer and closer with each passing week, a date has also been agreed upon for the clinic’s inaugural training– indeed, it will be a place for doctors around the country to convene and learn, share, and research the complexities and applications of regenerative medicine. Barring any extenuating circumstances, the next first Regenerative Medicine Certification Training in the Portuguese clinic will take place on September 25 & 26th, 2020– just weeks after its formal opening. With only 10 spots available, applicants are encouraged to sign up soon for the hands-on training course.
To sign up today, visit: www.issca.usAbout Global Stem Cells Group
Global Stem Cells Group (GSCG) is a worldwide network that combines seven major medical corporations, each focused on furthering scientific and technological advancements to lead cutting-edge stem cell development, treatments, and training. The united efforts of GSCG’s affiliate companies provide medical practitioners with a one-stop hub for stem cell solutions that adhere to the highest medical standards.
About International Society for Stem Cells Applications
The International Society for Stem Cells Applications (ISSCA) is a multidisciplinary community of scientists and physicians, all of whom aspire to treat diseases and lessen human suffering through advances in science, technology, and the practice of regenerative medicine. Incorporated under the Republic of Korea as a non-profit entity, the ISSCA is focused on promoting excellence and standards in the field of regenerative medicine.
ISSCA bridges the gaps between scientists and practitioners in Regenerative Medicine. Their code of ethics emphasizes principles of morals and ethical conducts.
At ISSCA, their vision is to take a leadership position in promoting excellence and setting standards in the regenerative medicine fields of publication, research, education, training, and certification. ISSCA serves its members through advancements made to the specialty of regenerative medicine. They aim to encourage more physicians to practice regenerative
medicine and make it available to benefit patients both nationally and globally.
For more information, please visit or send an email to
- Published in News/Events
The reception area is often considered a mere physical space, something like the anteroom of what is truly important. In reality it is the fundamental piece, the entrance door, the first impression that can make the difference between a successful visit … or not .
Here are my suggestions and detailed steps on what a practice can do to turn its reception area into an educational and interactive center that converts more patients, helps close more procedures, increases the number of referrals and contributes to generating wonderful consultations for the patient. .
For example:
“Maximize patient time with silent sales tools in the reception area”
You must put in the reception area:
Before and after photos of patients of different ethnicities, ages, etc., so your visitors can see themselves in the photos and will ask you for more information during the consultation.
There’s a good chance your patients don’t know everything you offer. Display an aesthetically striking menu of services, so you never hear the “I didn’t know you did!” and that they have done it with your competition.
Show your prospects how much your current patients love you. Prepare a high-quality photo album, filled with thank you notes, emails, surveys, and reviews from your existing patients.
Good features of the reception area
Open space, especially at the counter (that means there are no dividing windows separating patients from your staff).
Less is more. Get rid of the clutter. In this way, visitors will be more comfortable with fewer seats and more space between them, never sitting too close together. Which is even more counterproductive in times of COVID19
The product sample should be available when you keep patients waiting (hopefully not long). This gives them an opportunity to consider the products so that they are more inclined to buy at the end of their visit.
Most common mistakes
Filled in forms that are redundant. With current technology, repetitive information (name, address, phone, etc.) should be pre-filled so the patient will only fill out what is necessary.
You need to create a balance between educating the public about the services you offer without overwhelming them with brochures and promotional materials.
Putting repetitive and annoying videos; not just for the staff but for the patient who thinks, “once is enough!” create new attractive, interesting videos, with humor and emotional stories that keep them attentive and excited about the possibility of hiring your services
Better yet, ask your patients what they think of your reception area. They will have great ideas for you to consider.
Until next time
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Why hire a Medical Marketing Consultant
Everyone knows and agrees that having a good advisor is critical to success. As a physician, I don’t have to explain to you how valuable it is to know what successful clinics do to outperform their competitors. Or how a new perspective can shed light on deficiencies in your query that you are not seeing. And the importance of having a clear roadmap that guides you through the maze of problems that arise, a system that saves countless hours and wasted time and money making mistakes. But there is a problem, well actually, there are several. First of all, good cosmetic clinic consultants are extremely expensive, although they are generally considered to be worth it. The problem is not necessarily in the cost, the problem is, how do you know that the consultant can help you? First of all, how do you know that it even makes sense for you to hire a consultant? How do you even know if the consultant may have a track record of success attending other clinics? How do you know that they will be able to help you, specifically you? Let’s find out if it makes sense for you to hire a consultant.
Here are three steps to follow. Step one, clarify the problem by identifying the objective. “I want to be successful” is not really a goal. You have to be specific. We have to understand exactly what you want. Do you want to attract more patients? If so, how many and by when? Do you want better conversions? If so, how many and by when? Do you want better online reviews? Want more word-of-mouth referrals? Do you want more professional staff to represent you? If so, how many and in what positions to have the greatest impact on your results?
Here’s step two, identify what’s not working and stop. The idea that one thing will work for everyone is just absurd. Every aesthetic clinic is different. We think differently. They have different needs. That is why it makes more sense to find the right consultant who can implement a specific “tailor-made” program for you. Think about this; We make plans, we motivate ourselves, we start to act, and then we stop. Have you tried all the shiny object ninja tricks on the internet and still don’t have the results you want? You know what? That is probably not the answer, or at least the full answer. Have you tried massive ad campaigns, aggressive commercials pressured you for, think, will this make you a celebrity? Again, that is probably not the answer or the complete answer. It doesn’t mean that those internet strategies and commercials are a bad thing, it just means that they aren’t for you. Sure, they will help you a bit but that is not enough, something is missing. They are not going to take you to the finish line or you would already be there.
Step number three, understand that you cannot do it alone. Think about it. As a private practice and aesthetic practitioner, you will most likely feel lonely most of the time. As if you were the only one who really cares about the health of your practice. As if no one around him understood the pressure of running an aesthetic clinic in today’s world. You are not supposed to be alone. We are all supposed to collaborate and work together to solve problems. Very few advances in human history have been made by a single person without help. If you want to collaborate with someone who feels your pain and has the answers, then this is for you. Here is exactly how I can help you. First of all, I am not like other consultants in our industry, I do not include any fillers. I do not include untested processes or theoretical strategies, only proven strategies that I have used in the real world with other real queries. The tools are easy to learn. Learning them is not the point. I have been teaching these tools since 2008 in my webinars, online trainings, courses, medical conferences, and talks. It is to apply the materials, that is what can be more convoluted. It’s when you take ideas and put them to work in your practice that you may run into some difficulties along the way. I know I can help you. Usually it’s just a few touch-ups that separate you from achieving the exact size or results you want. I have used these exact tools and processes to help hundreds of other cosmetic physicians and their staff attract more patients, convert more practices, and build successful cosmetic clinics based on sound business principles.
It is more than a consultancy for an aesthetic clinic. It is a system so that you can feel peace of mind every day on a consistent basis. I’m not talking about feeling better for a few minutes. I’m talking about feeling better all day and every day. This simple and effective method does not eliminate negative emotions from your life. You would never want that anyway, since you want to grow up. It just teaches you to handle them in a way that doesn’t make them worse. If you have already learned the concepts of how to build an aesthetic clinic and have read books on the subject, but still do not see the great benefits, this is designed specifically for you. And with all due respect, this is not for the arrogant doctor who thinks he knows everything. This is for you if you feel like you are stuck with work, and you know you could be running your clinic more effectively and profitably. You could use a clear plan that gives you peace of mind knowing that all systems and staff are working for the good of the clinic, rather than for themselves. And you know that the failures in your query are costing you very expensive. If this sounds like you, it is exactly what you are looking for.
Maybe you are watching this presentation because you are one of the doctors and staff who follow me through my live trainings on the Internet, my blog, the YouTube channel, the Facebook page, talks and emails. But since 2008, I have specifically worked with cash-based cosmetic surgery clinics to make the most of what they have built, and what they can build for a profitable future. When you work with me, two things will happen. First, you will begin to be more aware in your clinic, you will begin to understand the control you have over the experiences you encounter every day. This is really important, because if you think that you spend the day putting out fires, the feeling of helplessness you experience prevents you from making necessary changes and corrections. Second, you will gain peace of mind knowing that you now have a plan to follow to reach your vision: successful, profitable and calm.
When you agree to work with me, we will customize the agenda based on what you want to get out of our time together, and we will follow the following plan of action:
First, we set the stage, define your vision and goals so you know we are making progress. We will identify your bases, your current assets from which we will develop the project, as well as your image strategies to pre-promote you as the best option. Then we will review your infrastructure as to how to manage the phones, we will work on our “ghost client” program. We will examine and implement the precise technology to track and generate reports that allow studying statistics and KPIs, we will review your processes and protocols. Next, we will analyze your staff. We will determine if the right people are in the right role and position. Then I will train them to represent you professionally and to convert more calls and inquiries. We’ll look at staff incentives and how you motivate them, and I’ll show you a great metric management system. Then I checked
Going back to staff training during my office visit, I will spend time with your staff and train them to convert more calls and inquiries, including a full day of evaluation at your clinic, to give you the greatest possible value, to make sure not only to identify the deficiencies of the consultation that are expensive, but also to execute the solutions that we consider necessary to correct them. Now, we will work together for 90 days to make sure that the strategies are executed, and that you can see how we improve the processes in order to obtain better results and a more fluid management, because I am not here to waste your time or you or me. I’ll give you the templates, maps, charts, and tools, as well as a full 90 days of support to set you up for success. You can get all the details now at
So as you can see this three-month investment focused on you, your staff and the growth of your clinic, far exceeds the consulting fees I receive because you are receiving in return a proven plan to transform your clinic into an activity that works without problems with easy-to-follow processes, professionally trained staff, and income-generating. It will give you clarity to know what to focus on, which makes all the difference in the world. What’s more, when you say yes now, you also get these four free practice development tools to jump-start your processes so you see results immediately. You and your staff have unlimited access to my online courses to hone your ability to attract patients, develop queries and convert. You also receive the scripts to help your receptionist increase her conversions by 20 or 30% in 48 hours, and your coordinator will receive the step-by-step scripts to convert more inquiries with confidence, and thus you will get more yes than you think.

Conference Image
So let me ask you this; If all this helps your team members use these tools to become the best work team, how much is that worth to you? 100k 200k or more? I think it pays for itself but I’m not done yet. You also get a personalized cosmetic consultation program, so now you can also manage by metrics. This gives you and your personal responsibility and clarity and the peace of mind of knowing what your numbers are. You also get your own custom step-by-step program with the exact details you need for your own patient marketing machine. This will give you and your staff clarity on how to maintain revenue consistently.
Now, what value would it have for you if you had this kind of clarity to know your numbers, have a plan in place, and were able to manage your metrics with peace of mind? Think of it this way. If all of this gave you a marketing plan to consistently attract new patients, convert more often, and encourage them to refer more of their friends, what value would that have for you? . I have seen surgeons spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a laser that goes idle after two months. And then they panic and dump huge amounts of money on Google AdWords only to get mediocre results. What I propose here is to invest in the fundamentals of what makes your practice sound and profitable now, as well as for the rest of your career, no matter what changes occur in the industry. Because as Warren Buffett himself said, “the best investment you will make is in yourself.” Isn’t that the truth? There is no better time than now to do your best. Visit
So to recap, here is everything you are going to achieve when we work together. On-site assessment of your infrastructure, staff, processes, marketing, data analytics, the “ghost client”, Staff training, personalized patient recruitment and conversion plan, assessment follow-up report with templates and forms . Plus you get all the extras. Extra-number one, online training. You will get the scripts for better conversions and then the plan of attraction and conversion of patients personalized to your practice, you can start right now by visiting
So I really hope to work with you to build a clinic that works well whether you are present or not, let’s put together a professional team that supports you and differentiates you as the best option so that you don’t have to compete on the basis of price. All this while we execute a plan that generates consistent income that you can count on month after month, we will have implemented systems that you can measure. Please visit and let’s chat
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